Tag Archives: direct sales

Egg Casserole: Duck Eggs and Riced Cauliflower

There are a lot of opinions about how to have a healthy hair and scalp. Not all of the advice given is based on science or research. Testing for cosmetics and hair products is done by manufacturers selling the product. The FDA gets involved only when there is a problem with a product.

This blog and post contain affiliate links. An affiliate link means that, at no extra cost to you, when you click through a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission which allows this blog to remain active and for LoveLeavingLegacy to give back. 

In my newly published, free downloadable e-book, I list Twenty-Three Tips For seeking a Healthier Scalp and Hair. The tips involve use of hair tools, how to keep the tools, towels, and pillowcases clean, best hair care practices, hair hygiene, and best health care practices in diet.

You can access the free ebook here. It subscribes you to my LoveLeavingLegacy with Lilla Rose newsletter also.

A while back, I posted my recipe for Duck Egg Casserole, which we love and make often. The casserole is super filling, and we love it for dinner. Our duck does lays about one egg/day, so we have this casserole every 12-18 eggs. *chuckle* At least that way, we don’t eat it too often. It’s definitely a high protein meal! It is yummy with a side of fruit salad and homemade bread.

It’s also really forgiving. When we made this the other night, we used 18 eggs instead. Note how they are slightly larger than a chicken egg. And this makes a 15×11 pan of casserole!

This variation substitutes 20 oz of riced cauliflower, chopped onion and minced garlic, sautéd in butter or oil instead of using hashbrowns.

Here is the original recipe with the substitution made:


12 Duck Eggs, whisked
24 oz small curd cottage cheese
20 oz riced cauliflower, sautéd with garlic and onion
1 lb turkey bacon crumbled/cooked with one diced onion
16 oz frozen broccoli
3-4 c shredded cheddar cheese
2+ tsp garlic powder (to taste, really. We use a lot more than 2 tsp)
Black pepper to taste
Enough liquid/milk to combine all ingredients together, approx 1-2 cups


Stir all ingredients together, adding milk if needed. Pour into 15×11 greased Pyrex casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown around edges and throughout the top, about an hour. Serve with whole wheat bread or rolls.

Serves 8-10.

You might have heard the buzz over in the Lilla Rose Stylists Facebook group. Ok. Probably not unless you are in the group, and I’d for you to be! Enrollment information is here!

But, in all seriousness, Lilla Rose just rolled out a new selling style feature for Stylists called Social Street Fairs. I’m not able to sell outside of Michigan or to sell only to sales tax free states for the time being, but if you join my customer group, you will see what items I have available that you will not find on my website! It is exciting!


Here is a preview of what could be there! No guarantees anything is available, and these are only available to my group, but come on over and see anyway! 



Lilla Rose Stylists: Ready Set Win!

“You do not have because you do not ask God. 

When you ask, you do not receive…” 

James 4:2b-3a

This post contains affiliate links but are of no cost to you. Thanks for supporting LoveLeavingLegacy.

I just came home from an amazing weekend in Anaheim, California for the Lilla Rose 2018 convention. It was a sunny, moderate temperatures, breezy. There was plenty of opportunity to enjoy my Lilla Rose friends, food, laughter, and fun. 

Looking at you, May! Bright, full of opportunity, sunny outlook, growth.

Looking at you, May! Bright, full of opportunity, sunny outlook, growth.

Hubby and I had such a great time. 

We got a renewed vision for our family, refreshing time together, and recalibrated goals for my business. 

We even had fun dying our hair a temporary purple. 

We’re always treated like ROYALTY by the Lilla Rose Headquarters. 

It really has been the best business builder choice for me to be a Lilla Rose.

But, it wasn’t all fun and games either! 

There was quite a lot of learning by some direct sales training greats, such as Melanie Moore of Cinchshare (affiliate link), Belinda Ellsworth (Step Into Success), and Lindsay Tomkins, as well as internal Lilla Rose leaders leading breakout sessions. We also got to hear the rebranding, the vision and the direction of Lilla Rose by its founder and inventor of the flexi clip, John Dorsey. 

Great new things are coming to this ten year old company of less than 9000 Stylists! 

New branding logo

One of the things that stood out to me was something that came from Belinda Ellsworth. She said that many people are afraid to ask about the Business opportunity, and if *I* (taking this personally) do not present it to customers at vendor events, meet ups, or pop up Style Ups, what customers might think I’m communicating is that I do not think they can do what I do. 

Oh. my. goodness. That is the furthest thing from the truth! 

But oh so eye opening! 


If I have unintentionally communicated to a customer that I don’t think they can do this business, I am so, so, so sorry! I have no doubt that any one of my friends, family, and customers can do this business at least as well as I can, but probably even better. I do not do hair. Ok, so I do it a little bit. But I’ve seen many of you ladies with hair styles far sweeter than my own! 

What I am really thinking is that I don’t want to be one of *those* direct sellers from many years ago who bothers their friends. 

Recently I listened to a Tip of the Day or training by Brenda Ster here at the Sassy Suite, and she said that most do not actively ask for ladies/men to join our teams or to host a Style Up. 

She’s right. I have not actively asked many at all. 

I know I’ve taken this Bible verse in James a bit out of context, but I’ve been reflecting on it since conference. 

Faithful people ask, do the work related to success, and wait in faith for results. 

Successful people ask. 

And in the meantime, if I don’t actively ask, I’m not communicating a belief in my followers, readers, customers, friends, and that would just break my heart. I would not be offering you a tremendous opportunity. I would not be offering a chance for an income, the relationships I have grown to love, the community that is Lilla Rose. 

I would not be offering the opportunity for you to grow and bloom into a wonderful Rose. 

I’m asking now. 

How would a direct sales business with Lilla Rose benefit your family? Would you like to earn a little extra income for dance or soccer clubs? Do your children need braces? Would this business help you achieve some longer term goals, like taking a vacation or even being debt free?

Would you love a supportive, non competitive community of lovely ladies to help you grow in skills?

Would you love a challenge?

Do you love to meet with friends and serve a greater good and purpose?

How could a Lilla Rose business help your cause and fundraising?

Please come to my business group on Facebook where we can chat. Contact me here through Sassy Direct.

I do really want to help you grow in a business, however that looks for you.

In the meantime, Lilla Rose is offering some amazing new incentives for those enrolling as a new Stylist.

It’s going to be an amazing growth.

I’m asking you. 




St. Patrick’s Day Green

I’m not Irish, and I am not Catholic. Over the years I’ve not quite understood St. Patrick’s Day, the green significance, clovers, luck, and leprechauns. Today, I did a quick little research.

  • St. Patrick was a missionary and patron saint of Ireland.

  • He used Irish symbols and rituals to teach Christianity to the Irish, especially Celtic symbols. He is said to have created the Celtic cross.

  • Today, in the United States, St. Patrick’s day celebrations have to do with Irish American strength and commitment to their heritage, especially as ancestors immigrated to the United States.

  • St. Patrick used the clover to teach the concept of the Trinity.

  • Rainbows, pots of gold, and leprechauns were part of Irish mythology fables and stories.

  • Green, the color on the Irish flag, has been the traditional color of Irish nationalism since the 17th century.

  • Emerald Isle is a name used when referring to Ireland because of its lush greenery and countryside.

  • Green is often the color that symbolizes new life, birth, money, wealth, and health.


How are you going to coordinate your St. Patrick’s Day wardrobe and your hair accessories!?

Lilla Rose has quite a few Celtic styles in leather, braided leather, leather like Celtic knot or Celtic heart, Celtic knots in several metal finish choices and one with wood beads, a Celtic cross, and Trinitee. There are green options like Emerald Joy in a flexi clip, upins, bobby pins, hair sticks, and a hair band.

The new Flexi of the Month shown in the video, Cliono, will be released on March 1, 2018.

Come check out my website to see all the choices, as there are more from the sampling below, available beginning March 1, 2018, and some in Limited availability. Come join my Facebook page or customer group for more sneak peak previews, the latest on the customer specials, or upcoming sales!

Need some extra green? 

Come over to my Builders group to learn more about this two week opportunity special. It ends on March 14th. 

Later this week, after working with me at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo here in Kalamazoo, my two youngest daughters have the privilege of attending a Daddy-Daughter Dance with their Daddy.

The girls plan to wear the dresses they wore to their brother’s wedding last July with their silver sparkly shoes, and sparkly jewelry.

Today my oldest daughter, who is 16 years old and loves to experiment with hairstyles, tried a new one on her middle sister who has thick, waist length hair. We’re calling it a Dutch Braid Crown Bun. It is secured with Lilla Rose “naked” bobby pins (they are call Lux on the website.) On Saturday, the girls intend to use decorated bobby pins to decorate the bun, and show off the weave in the center of the bun where it is woven.

Lady L will actually be demonstrating how she did this at the Women’s Lifestyle Expo on Saturday around 3 pm. Depending on how busy we are, maybe we will make a video of her doing it.

Sssh. Don’t tell her. She hates being Live on video.

Which bobby pins on the Lilla Rose website do you think Missy E should place in her hair?

Have a great week!

Until then,


This post has been cross posted with and can be found on Sassy Direct.