Words And Mentors

As I listen to my children discuss things that have been said to them, as I hear the things I say, or that are said to me, I realize more and more the power of Words. I expressed the other day appreciation to Mr. T. for the influence he was on my sons and the way he mentored them, but I also have heard my sons discussing what he said or how he spoke to them.

While reflecting on what I was hearing the boys talk about, I heard this song by Hawk Nelson.

Words by Hawk Nelson

Words can build us up
Words can break us down
Start a fire in our hearts or
Put it out

Let my words be life
Let my words be truth
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You
Let the words I say
Be the sound of Your grace
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You

I wanna speak Your love
Not just another noise
Oh, I wanna be Your light
I wanna be Your voice

Power of Words

Words have the power to either crumble or build people up, or to light fires in their hearts.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be more aware of what I am saying to others, to be more kind, more encouraging, more loving in my responses. I want to be more Christlike to my own husband and children. I want to be an understanding, uplifting, building up, gracious, and encouraging friend. I want to be aware of the power of my words on the very people God has asked me to mentor. I want to speak life and truth into the people I influence. I am still a Titus 2 Wanna Be.

The hearts of the wise make their mouths prudent, and their lips promote instruction. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:23-24

From the WORDS of my oldest son on Mr. T.’s mentorship and ways of encouraging him:

Today a dear friend went to Heaven, after losing a hard fought battle with Parkinson’s and cancer. There are no words to really describe this feeling in my stomach, just everything that keeps running through my head that I wish I could have said to him face to face one more time. There are no amount of thank you’s, because where would I even start?

Thank you for taking a risk on this kid that you’d never met before, and calling one day to interview me to work for you.
Thank you for being more than an employer, but for being a mentor as well. For the conversations before the work day, and at the end. God brought you into my life when I was trying to crawl out of one of my lowest points, and God doesn’t make mistakes when He brings people into our lives.
Thank you for the endless sodas, for the fist bumps instead of handshakes, for always calling me “John Boy.”
Thank you for being one of the few people on this planet who commended my parents, specifically my mother, for doing what they believed God had called them to do by homeschooling us and raising us to be stronger Christians.
Thank you for being one of a few people back in Michigan for supporting me and praying for me when I was thinking about moving to New England. Thank you for encouraging me to stay the path that God had called me on, and for the constant reminder to seek Him out always. Thank you for always being excited for me.
Thank you for always asking about my fiancé. One of the greatest memories I have of you was taking the time to meet her, even though you hardly had the energy to walk down the stairs.
Thank you for supporting my trips to Haiti.
Thank you for hiring my brother, and for being a rock in both his and my life.
Thank you for being an example of true humility.
Thank you for being another example of a true, loving husband, father, and grandfather.
And lastly, thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life for the last 3 years.

My heart breaks when I think of all the pain that you’ve had to endure over the last few years, but my heart also rejoices when I realize that you are with no more pain, and no more sickness. My heart breaks when I realize that you are no longer with us, but my heart also rejoices when I realize that one day we can all be reunited in eternity.

Thanks for being a true friend. I’ll miss you terribly, Mr. T. I’ll miss the conversations and the company, and the vocabulary quizzes that you loved to jump on me. Thank you for the impact that you’ve made on my life. Until we are reunited, old friend.

“He has shown you, oh man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Power of Words



PS. Have you seen the new Skye flexi or its companion hairstick, available while supplies last? There are other new products released today, too, as well as an awesome customer special! Check it all out!








September Customer Special

Mentors In My Children’s Lives

Public Service Announcement: When, as a parent, you teach your children to invest in the lives of others and in relationships, when you teach them that people matter, their hearts are going to break sometimes. There are going to be relationship struggles, there are going to be heartaches, and there are going to be losses. And when you are the mother, and you see those children that you have trained to invest into people, your own heart will shatter as your children hurt deeply.

You will also share in the joys of relationship. When your children have teachable spirits, when they spend time with wise elders they respect and to whom they are willing to listen, they are mentored well, and empowered by encouraging Godly words or words of life they need to hear. Sometimes, this is the where broken hearts can heal. People will also invest in those children you love so dearly, and as a result, their relationships, their academics, and their lives will be richer. This is how real life training happens, in all of its joys and sorrows, and how strong young people develop.

Last week, two of our sons found themselves grieving the loss of a 71 year old man who had been more than their employer. Mr. T. was a Christian man who loved mentoring young men to be strong leaders, and he shared with them the wisdom he had gleaned through his successes, his mistakes, and his failures. He turned their hearts back to us, the parents, when there seemed to be conflict in the relationship. He turned them back to God, and encouraged them to follow His leading and he encouraged them in prayer and support. Our sons respected this man and enjoyed being with him. They will miss him.


Our nearly 17 year old son wrote these words after hearing of Mr. T’s passing:

August 22 at 10:02am ·

 “These last 50 years of my life are the only 50 years I would relive over and over again.”

– James Michael T. to me speaking of his celebration with his wife of their 50th wedding anniversary. Thankfully he loved his Lord, the only one he loved more than is wife. Sometimes he would just stop in the middle of a conversation to just stare at his wife, Mrs. T., for a solid 20-30 seconds. I’ve told this to so many people because it’s one of the most beautiful and touching things that he would take time to do before he passed, as well as that 39 page essay he wrote to her, Sherri, Katie Bell, “… my love,” and that 13 page essay to “Mrs. T. and his wonderful daughter Nikki.

While on earth, he could barely walk, write, talk (although somehow after the stroke he could still shout, something he has always been very good at XD), and even smile (I still got him to, of course, XD).

A stock broker and English teacher, always teaching me about investing and long words, “A., do you know what vicissitudes are? No,” I replied. “That’s your homework for this week. Look it up and tell me what it means, and don’t come back to work until you know.” What the heck are vicissitudes??? Only an English teacher would not let me come back to work until I gave him the answer. In case you’re wondering, vicissitudes are a change or variation occurring in the course of something, but only if you were wondering. After giving my answer, he said, “Very good. Now here’s the lesson: Life is full of vicissitudes. We must learn to change with them.”

A sports fan always asking me which teams I thought would make the whatever the basketball’s world series thingy is. To which I responded, “I still don’t care Mr. T.” He only asked me because he knew I don’t like basketball, nor do i pay any more attention to it. At least he approved of my football team choices, unless that was only because they weren’t the teams my brother J. liked.

This man, who continuously told me to get, “a wife, a woman like this” pointing to Mrs. T. (even though he still liked poking fun at me when his buddies were around, about my “6, or more, girlfriends”), who continuously told me I was a bright and intuitive young man with an odd sense of humour, who would always ask me how we were doing on money (referring to how much I had left to work off), who taught me how to have $92+ billion easily in only 80 years starting with $10,000, who told me how frustrating it was to walk or write legibly with Parkinson’s disease, who I told was doing great on his way back to his chair as he struggled, who has the most kind and loving, beautiful and strong, offers me food all the time and will tell me how to not be afraid of the ducks when they charge me, wife and woman ever, who’s grand daughters constantly follow me around the yard talking my ears off and asking me random questions like, “why is water called water?” A great friend, husband, and Boppy to everyone, both family and friends.

To you Mr. T., who I will never call anything other than “Mr. T.” Who I will always remember and respect for innumerable reasons. A great man, but a greater father, husband, and devout Christian. A man who is riding his bike again, free of the Parkinson’s and the cancers. A man who is no longer frustrated about how he can’t walk or write or close a container. A man with strong muscles, running as fast as he can, for as long as he can: forever and into eternity.

I love you and your family, and the impact you’ve had on me and my family and everyone else.

Godspeed, with love,

AW: your yard boy.

To: J. Michael T.; June 23, 1945 – August 22, 2016


Thank you, Mr. T, for investing in my son, and rewarding him far more richly than monetarily.

With gratitude,




On Being a Yes Mom, Part 2

From my last post: “I want to be a mom who says yes to reasonable requests and opportunities that work into our daily life.” and “What request can you say yes to today, even if it’s not ideal or perfect? On Monday, I’ll share an idea and an opportunity! Stay tuned!”

Three years ago this month, I said “Yes” to joining a wonderful company, Lilla Rose, offering me the opportunity to work my own business from home selling beautiful, comfortable, and affordable hair clips that I LOVE to wear!

Lillaversary to Me

July 24th, 2013, I signed up to be a Lilla Rose Independent Stylist

The opportunity included start up business supplies, product, no monthly quotas or recurring shipping, and no sponsoring requirements. It also included a free website and free priority shipping on the enrollment kit of my choice. I could hardly lose with that deal! My only regret is that I didn’t know that I would later wish I’d joined with the Fast Start package!

I love FREE shipping, don't you?

I love FREE shipping, don’t you? Disclaimer: Actual number of pieces in Fast Start kits may vary, but the retail value is $1,100.

What started as a low risk, discounted tool to teach my daughters to care for their hair has turned into a family friendly opportunity that also allows me to work with my children alongside me, training them up in the world of home based business and entrepreneurship, and incorporating real life experiences into their academics studies. We’re all learning a lot, and we are also allowed to sell our handmade items alongside our Lilla Rose products!

working with my children

workingwith children2

workingwithchildren 3


Missy E and A-Grape are starting to do craft shows/festivals and Style Boutiques with Lady L and I too. It was a lot of fun for all of us to work one big festival last fall that earned enough for us rent a house in Gatlinburg, TN, and take a week long vacation. We have been so blessed by this business.


A Smoky Mountain hike wore us out! We worked hard for this vacation, and earned every ounce of fun! Work ethic pays off!

What I didn’t know when I joined, either, was the incredible amount of business support both from headquarters, and from our business groups. There are plenty of shared graphics and ideas and free trainings, with encouragement each step of the way. There is no cut throat competition, and the ideal of “Treat others as you want to be treated.” is paramount in this company from the owner down to the consultants. It’s an incredible blessing and way to learn business!



What other company’s owner wears this many hats and is this personable?


Celebrity John Dorsey takes photos with his Independent Stylist fans!

Cashier John

Cashier John checks out Independent Stylists during the Shopportunity.


Captain John, along with his lovely wife, at the helm of the Purple Party.


Wise guy, John? I have no idea…


Duffy boat tour guide John


Dunk booth John


Director of Stylist Traffic John


Would you like to say “YES!” to this still ground floor opportunity and join under ~6500 consultants in the United States? From July 18th beginning at 7 am PST/10 am EST  through July 31st at 11:59 pm PST, you can join with the same opportunity I was given three years ago: Free shipping on enrollment kits, free website, start up business supplies, product (amount depends on kit purchased), no monthly quotas or recurring shipping, and no sponsoring required. Base commission is 30%. Inventory is not required. You can work as little or as much as your family commitments allow.

Come stretch and learn new skills with me!

You can learn more about enrollment opportunity options by taking a few minutes to watch these videos. Basic party or show kit here:

and Fast start here.

What would the extra money from a low risk business opportunity help you and your family do? I’d love for you to enroll on my team! I hope you’ll say “YES!” Message me with questions on my Facebook fan page! 


Say YES!


Blessings from Yes Mom and Lilla Rose Independent Stylist, 
