Sharing Where We Are

We have so many friends and family across the US that it is impossible to share personally with all what has been going on these past few days. Literally only days. I apologize for a blog post. I wasn’t even sure I wanted it out in blog land at all, but so many are reaching out due to the questions and faith filled posts I’ve been sharing.

Many know this already, but I have been dealing with pinched nerves since January. My dear massage therapist friend, and chiropractic care have been amazing and helpful. But, over the summer I began to notice some hearing loss, frequent vertigo episodes, and facial numbness. They both had encouraged more follow up, but as I had not seen a doctor in 10 years, I had to search around for help. It is interesting a head cold that was unlike anything I’d ever had, and a full body case of hives for these past six weeks encouraged me to get into be seen and to be persistent. I did routine blood work, and Lyme test and test for autoimmune disorders, most of which I had to insist on having done myself, and all results reflecting a person of “perfect health.”
I saw the ENT less than a month ago, and it what was deemed I had a vestibular disorder but should also see a neurologist to rule out more issues. I was in vestibular therapy for about 2 weeks, and honestly thought it was helping. Dizziness was less frequent, but still occurring, but I could at least walk a little less crooked. I went to my eye doctor for a recheck due to something my Vestibular therapy questioned, and the eye doc had only recently seen me for a routine exam. She was not alarmed by any visual changes she saw, but in me and my status, and sent me asap to her favorite neurologist, I was still waiting for an appointment for the neurology appointment referred to by the ENT and it had already been 3 weeks. Within 1.5 business days, I had a neurology consult where I failed several exams, and he ordered an urgent MRI, rather than the as late as January MRI the “scheduler” at the ENT could offer.
After the MRI, I knew there was an unusual finding, but I was told just to follow up on Monday. However my neurologist called within 2 hours of us being home and instructed me to immediately go to the ER due to a 1.5 inch mass found near my brainstem, and possibly life threatening. I needed a neurosurgery consult ASAP. I have been diagnosed with a less common, but likely benign, large schwannoma acoustic neuroma. I am past “wait and watch” stage, and onto “tumor removal” stage.
For the time being, I am stable at home and on decadron to shrink inflammation in tissues. I’m not in love with ever being on any medication, and this is messing with my head (pardon the pun). I have a list of scary things to watch for, including hydrocephalus, and that I pray we don’t need to address. We’re developing lists, and ticking through them to be sure my affairs are in order, and that my home is somewhat managed and the family is cared for. I am still being told I am a picture of health, and that I am well prepared physically to handle the outcomes, that I have well taken care of myself, and did nothing to cause this, and nothing could have been done to prevent it.
I have a list of probabilities for outcome, and this makes things quite uncertain. After tumor removal surgery, I likely will be having radiation. I will likely always have vertigo and gait issues, I will likely have complete hearing loss in my right ear because a tail of the tumor is in the vestibular nerve itself, and I likely will always have facial numbness and pain. I may never drive again (I gave up my keys on October 1). I may have facial droop. But we also see God’s hand in this, and that He has been preparing us for an event like this.
My understanding is that the neurosurgeon I will be having do my surgery is a well known, best person for this job. Except he’s on vacation and we’re praying he is resting, and not scaling Mt Everest. We’re praying for his steady hands, and his own rested head. Surgery could be as soon as one week from today without complications arising before then.
Pray for my husband and children, please. We as a family are doing as well as can be expected. And while we’re a faith filled, Christ following family, this is frightening. We are appropriately crying, holding each other, laughing, joking, working, playing, praising, praying, rinse and repeat, many times throughout the day.
Thank you our church family, for rallying in a moment of desperate need and outright feelings of despair. I did wonder if I was saying good bye to them as we left for the hospital, and making last minute phone calls to family in New England as well. Thank you for staying with our children, feeding them, cleaning with them, distracting them, playing games and laughing with them. Thank you for praying with them. By their own accounts, it was what they needed.
Our normal is likely going to change, and we don’t really know what that looks like, and at this moment, and not what we expected. Our son Jonathan and daughter in law Kelsey are in New England, and Peter and I are acutely aware of how hard it is to be so far away and feel helpless as you wait for information, without the benefit of the appropriately crying, holding each other, laughing, joking, working, playing, praising, praying, rinse and repeat, many times throughout the day. We do know that they have a support system in place, and that is a comfort. But still….
As we think of ways we could use help, we may very well just put it on Facebook. We will not refuse offers. We know this is not a “quick 6 week fix” and could take as much as a year to recover from, if not longer. We welcome being put on prayer lists everywhere!
Thank you for grace when we’re not in our best moment, for sustaining us and praying with and for us. We love you.
PS: Also, please note: We believe a persistent unrelated case of six weeks of hives, a massage therapist, chiropractor, and diligent eye doctor have potentially saved my life. When is the last time you thanked God for uncontrollable itching that stays in the forefront of your mind?

Egg Casserole: Duck Eggs and Riced Cauliflower

There are a lot of opinions about how to have a healthy hair and scalp. Not all of the advice given is based on science or research. Testing for cosmetics and hair products is done by manufacturers selling the product. The FDA gets involved only when there is a problem with a product.

This blog and post contain affiliate links. An affiliate link means that, at no extra cost to you, when you click through a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission which allows this blog to remain active and for LoveLeavingLegacy to give back. 

In my newly published, free downloadable e-book, I list Twenty-Three Tips For seeking a Healthier Scalp and Hair. The tips involve use of hair tools, how to keep the tools, towels, and pillowcases clean, best hair care practices, hair hygiene, and best health care practices in diet.

You can access the free ebook here. It subscribes you to my LoveLeavingLegacy with Lilla Rose newsletter also.

A while back, I posted my recipe for Duck Egg Casserole, which we love and make often. The casserole is super filling, and we love it for dinner. Our duck does lays about one egg/day, so we have this casserole every 12-18 eggs. *chuckle* At least that way, we don’t eat it too often. It’s definitely a high protein meal! It is yummy with a side of fruit salad and homemade bread.

It’s also really forgiving. When we made this the other night, we used 18 eggs instead. Note how they are slightly larger than a chicken egg. And this makes a 15×11 pan of casserole!

This variation substitutes 20 oz of riced cauliflower, chopped onion and minced garlic, sautéd in butter or oil instead of using hashbrowns.

Here is the original recipe with the substitution made:


12 Duck Eggs, whisked
24 oz small curd cottage cheese
20 oz riced cauliflower, sautéd with garlic and onion
1 lb turkey bacon crumbled/cooked with one diced onion
16 oz frozen broccoli
3-4 c shredded cheddar cheese
2+ tsp garlic powder (to taste, really. We use a lot more than 2 tsp)
Black pepper to taste
Enough liquid/milk to combine all ingredients together, approx 1-2 cups


Stir all ingredients together, adding milk if needed. Pour into 15×11 greased Pyrex casserole dish. Bake at 350 degrees until golden brown around edges and throughout the top, about an hour. Serve with whole wheat bread or rolls.

Serves 8-10.

You might have heard the buzz over in the Lilla Rose Stylists Facebook group. Ok. Probably not unless you are in the group, and I’d for you to be! Enrollment information is here!

But, in all seriousness, Lilla Rose just rolled out a new selling style feature for Stylists called Social Street Fairs. I’m not able to sell outside of Michigan or to sell only to sales tax free states for the time being, but if you join my customer group, you will see what items I have available that you will not find on my website! It is exciting!


Here is a preview of what could be there! No guarantees anything is available, and these are only available to my group, but come on over and see anyway! 



Six Ways Drinking Water Benefits Hair And Scalp

In a business training and support group I’m part of within Sassy Suite, Empower Social where we learn to use social media properly and better, we are doing a “water challenge. ” The water challenge is encouragement for making healthier choices, and to help us (quite simply) drink more water. It’s also to promote better self care.

This post contains affiliate links but are of no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting LoveLeavingLegacy.

I have a new Contigo glass 20 ounce water bottle with a silicone sleeve, which I am refilling 3-4 times/day. Go me! It seems to keep my water cooler longer. The draw backs are that it has no straw and it’s a bit heavy to carry. But, I love that it doesn’t spill, and it does have a way to put your wrist through a strap to carry it.

There are lots of great reasons for health to generally be drinking more water. Our bodies are 2/3 water. Drinking water is superior to any other fluid intake, like soda, coffee, or other beverages.

Staying hydrated is important for all body systems to work properly, unless otherwise directed by a physician for a specific condition. Hydration is especially important during this hot summer season and during exercise. Your skin appreciates good hydration, preventing aging and skin disorders. And, your kidneys thank you for helping them flush out the waste accumulated. “Insufficient water can lead to kidney stones and other problems.” You will have more energy, less brain fog, a more regular colon, and regulated body temperature. There are so many benefits to maintaining water intake! Really, all body systems require hydration to work properly.

Medical News Today reports that most men should be drinking around 100 ounces of water/day, and women should drink about 73 ounces of water/day.

Tell me, how many ounces of water do you drink a day?

What are the many benefits of drinking water for hair and the scalp?

First, one of the major benefits to drinking more water is a hydrated scalp, which reduces flaking, itching, and dandruff. A good shampoo helps, but hydration is important.

Second, for adequate hydration prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth. Water repairs hair and adds needed nutrients. It even makes hair shinier.

Third, increasing water intake prevents hair breakage and frizz. Especially if there is frequent chemical processing, which dries out hair, being hydrated strengthens cuticles and hair follicles. 

Next, drinking more water balances hair pH, as well as filters excess toxins and minerals found in blood that affect hair health.

In addition, “Water activates all these nerve endings and other sensors in our skin and scalp that enhances the natural vitality of hair roots.”

Finally, hair hygiene also matters. Rinsing hair in cool water, rather than hot water promotes shine and gloss. Softer water makes hair more manageable, and prevents color fade.

Are you receiving my email newsletters? The current one is here, but to be sure you are receiving them monthly, opt in here, and receive a FREE ebook 23 Tips For A Healthy Scalp and Hair.

Drink up, friends! Here is to a healthy body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and to healthy hair.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?
You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

