Create A Summer 2019 Bucket List

I didn’t know eleven year olds have Summer 2019 Bucket Lists, but apparently my eleven year old does! Horse back riding lessons was number one on her list. Finishing her math book from 2018 is high on my list for her, but it is not on her bucket list. Planting the garden was high on our list, but getting parts of the house painted and the garage cleaned are things not high on her or my bucket lists. Unfortunately, they are necessary evils, and should be on the Bucket List-or something.

My daughter saying she had a bucket list got me thinking about my own, and what I hoped to accomplish before the new school year starts in September. As most of my readers know, I spent most of the 2018-2019 homeschool year either beyond ill with very large vestibular acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor, and its symptoms, or recovering from the surgery that kicked that brain tumor to the curb but left me with lingering gait imbalance and right sided deafness. Finishing vestibular therapy was high on MY bucket list for spring 2019, and I did do that. Now I need to get my house back in order, organize for the next school year, finish what we couldn’t finish, and do…all the things…and relax with my family and do fun things is definitely a priority. Especially now. I don’t take being granted a “second chance” lightly.

Since I was Creating a Summer 2019 Bucket List for myself, I created a printable for readers to use as well.

Summer 2019 Bucket List printable, free printable, Lilla Rose, home based business, blogging for direct sales

Find your Summer 2019 Bucket List free printable here.

Meanwhile, the Summer Reading Incentives for Kids and one for adults are going on in events on my Facebook page. You can grab reading trackers for both of those there too.

Here is my bucket list!

organizing, organizational list, Lilla Rose, LoveLeavingLegacy, 20 Summer 2019 Bucket List, Things to do, self care, family business

But wait! I need more space!

I need more space on my Bucket List tracker! I have more things I want to do! For instance, I’d like go kayaking, organize freezer meals for the fall school co-op schedule, and go to the zoo and aquarium. There are things I must do like soft tissue mobilization therapy and facial neuromuscular retraining so maybe by the fall I can be done with that too, and I’ll have a semblance of normalcy regained back into our lives! A lot of what is on a Bucket List is self care, isn’t it?

Tell me what is on your Summer 2019 Bucket List! Come over to my Facebook page, look for this post, and share a photo of your list in the comments! 

